Bespoke domestic and commercial renewable energy solutions to surpass your expectations

Why Green Spark Renewables?

The potential for implementing renewable energy technologies and systems has never been as important as it is now.

As an independent company, we offer bespoke solutions for domestic and public/private sector commercial clients to suit all requirements and budgets to help generate your own energy and lower costs while reducing impact on the environment.

Our expert designers, project managers and skilled installers offer a quality-driven, friendly service from start to finish, guiding you through the benefits of all options, delivering a bespoke package that is right for you. Working alongside our associates at Smith & Brenson Construction and Maintenance and Red Spark Electrical & Maintenance, we ensure that each and every element of your install is expertly covered from start to finish.

Our NICEIC MCS (Microgeneration Certification Scheme) industry-led quality assurance scheme certifications demonstrate our commitment to the quality and reliability of our approved installations, proving to our customers that we design and install to the industry-expected level of quality every time.

You’re in safe and expert hands

The Green Spark Renewables team is led by CEO Ellie Hatto, a construction industry professional with decades of experience, including managing high-profile estates in Bristol and London. Her specialities include health and safety, people management, business development and marketing.

With their combined experience, qualifications and technical expertise, Technical Director John Southcombe and Operations Director Dan Smith proudly lead the design and installation team.

CEO Ellie Hatto

Our solutions

Reduce your energy bills with the installation of industry-leading solar panels (PV). A worthwhile, long-term investment, generating your own solar power also reduces your carbon footprint and the amount of fossil fuels you use.

Generating your own energy in this way gives you more independence and you can get paid for any excess you sell back to the Grid.

Add optional battery storage and you can store excess energy generated in the day to use at night.

It’s an exciting time where we are embracing the transition to elective vehicles, with drivers seeking innovative solutions to power their vehicles while reducing their energy costs and impact on the environment.

Additionally, solar panels (PV) and electric vehicles (EV) can provide the perfect energy efficient charging combination.

Installing smart home and work technologies allows you to control functions such as heating, hot water, security systems and lights remotely from a mobile phone or similar device from anywhere with an internet connection, providing not only convenience but energy cost savings.

We can design the best solution for you with the in-house capabilities and expertise to install any type of smart technology system.

With the design and installation of a heat pump system suitable for you, we can help you save money, reduce carbon emissions and improve heating comfort.

Man in which shirt holding mobile phone

Please call or email us to discuss how we can help

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